
Selasa, 21 Mei 2013


Ryte now I'm at the clinic accompanying ustazah to do her medical check up.. Nothing to do, so this is what i do... She has entered the room and now i' m waiting here alone... With this flu and headache and an empty stomach.. Hungrayyy n missing my hubby muchhh!!! Can't wait for tomorrow!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my Nui's iPad

Location:Klinik Penawar

I can't sleep

It is 1.22 am in the morning n i can't sleep at all, too much things happen today.. My mother in law is sick again... I just hope she'll get better soon.. Pity her... Ermm... And my husband, he's been so worried all day long... I just hope i was there with u... Right by ur side when ol dis thing happens.. Wait for me hby k? Bb luv u so much...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:My room

Isnin, 13 Mei 2013


Today i wakes up with a pain in my stomach... Kesan 'kehilangan' ya msh blm hilang sepenuhnya.. Rindu saat2 'dia' msh d dlm prt.. xkuat rsanya hati, tp terpaksa d relakan pergi... even just a month d dlm rahim, kehilangan amat melukakan hati... Dearest child, i might not know what are u yet when i lost u.. But trust me, i love u as much as other mother loves  their child.. This feeling no one else will understand except me.... U were there, in me, when i'm alone.. When ur father is far away from us.. Ibu just want to say sorry 4 making u go from this world.. X sempat ibu kenal nya.. I am sorry syg... Ibu syg nya... Lebih dr everything else in this world...!!


It has been a while since my last post kn?? a year?? 2 years?? I donno, i've lost track of the time... It's 1.01 am rite now n i can't sleep after accidentally saw ghost pictures on my fb wall feed posted by those who think its funny.... Trust me, it wasn't funny at all.. Hurm....Jaik!! Now, i can't sleep, what shud i do?? Nak molah kerja, aku xrajin, because kt skolah dh all out sgala tenaga, mls dh d rmh mk polah pa2.. Esok gik, mengerah tenaga d skolah... Kuatkan hati jak nggu cuti next week tok... Semoga cptlah hari2 ini berlalu.... I wanna go home so that I wont be afraid when tertangga gk those so called funny people post that kind of stuff again, coz i hv my hubby by my side.. Ya Allah kau tabahkan hatiku, redhakan hatiku menerima ujian mu ini Ya Allah.. Sesungguhnya berjauhan dr suami tercinta sgt sukar bagiku.. :(  Now listening to our fav song, 'drenched'... I wanna go home...

Jumaat, 19 Ogos 2011

Minggu2 yang menyesakkan

This week double observations, next week triple observations.. Adehh.. I'm going to be flat!!!!

Isnin, 15 Ogos 2011

Duhh!! Raya in 2 weeks time...

Erkkk.. I’m going to have 2 observations this week… What can I say?? It is tiring.. I don’t have any time 2 jimba-jimba and joli-joli nemore.. huhuhu.. Enough with the rungutan, now I’m moving on to the main idea of this post.. Raya!! Tinggal 2 minggu je lagi nak raya.. N me?? No preparation at all except a baju kurung. Itupun bcoz my mom yg uruskan.. Yang lain-lain, semua plan nk bli after going back to Kuching. Sempat ke tidakkk?? Lau ikutkan masa tu maybe sempat.. Cuma, kecerewetan aku yg akan menyebabkan benda yg sempat tu menjadi x sempat..Oleh itu, moral of the story is do not b fussy!! Can I do that?? Diragui sekali okee… As I am the kind of girl who want perfect thing for my Raya… But things might be different this Raya kot, because cuti raya seminggu je. N I know I’m going to b busy with the Lesson Plan, Journal N so on. N oso my E-day.. Adehh… Hopefully things went well laa that day.. Last, I’m missing my luv so much!!

Sabtu, 13 Ogos 2011

Untuk insan tersayang, My Lucky 6

Dah lebih seratus lima puluh juta kali
Aku pesan padamu apa yang bakal jadi
Engkau dan aku ada mungkin tidak serasi
Engkau sangat manis, aku ini pula dawai besi

Di setiap seratus lima puluh jutanya
Aku pun dalam hati semacam tak percaya
Apa kau lihat pada aku jujurkan saja
Terus kau cubit dagu aku, sambil berkata

“sayang mungkin baran tak kira masa
tapi sayang tahan kalau yang salah saya
sayang mungkin saja keras kepala
tapi sayang manja bila kita berdua–

saya kenal sayang saya”

Buat apa dicerita
Bahagia kita rasa
Biar tak dipercaya
Peduli orang kata

Baju ronyok tak apa
Asal pakai selesa
Berkilau tak bermakna
Kalau hati tak ada

Aku lebih bengis dari sang naga
Tapi bisa nangis semata demi cinta
Suaraku keras tak berbahasa
Kerna aku rimas gedik mengada-ngada

Aku mudah baran tidak semena
Mana boleh tahan angin cemburu buta
Dan aku sengaja tunjuk keras kepala
Aku punya manja, kau saja boleh rasa

Rahsia kita berdua..